Whether you have a tax audit or a tax collection dispute with the IRS or you or your
business are in need of tax planning or advice so as to avoid disputes with the
IRS, the Tomberg Law Firm will assist you in maximizing your tax savings and
help you avoid harsh IRS collection activities. If the IRS or the Florida
Department of Revenue contact you or your business and is demanding information
or unpaid/underpaid taxes, we can assist you in negotiating with these
governmental agencies in order to mitigate or eliminate any taxes that are
claimed by the IRS to have to be paid, as well as eliminating liens, levies and
garnishments. If necessary, the Tomberg Law Firm will represent you in
any tax audit, administrative hearing or court proceeding to dispute any IRS assertion of
the underpayment of taxes and will navigate the system in order to increase
your chances of success while minimizing expense.